a new lighted sign was installed when I had my 40th birthday so that someone notice: Hey, there is something :-). A new lighted sign
On 2.1.2019 the time has come: kerschsoft has been founded.
On february 2019 goal was reached: Our freshly founded foodcoop KOORB (cooperation regional and bilogical) opened its gates. Our foodcoop has the goal to supply its members with food to a common storage place. Therfor its kind of an purchasing group carrying out all purchases with the help of its own shop: KOORB Online Shop
This was our street festival on may 2019 with participation of kerschsoft and KOORB
In the graphic on the bottom its measured how many requests for programming languages on Stackoverflow were made. Python is rising rapidly because of AI-programming, javascript and Java stay relatively constant. Clearly falling are C# and PHP.
Here you can see the comparison of Javascript frameworks. Though the fields of application are different (Bootstrap and Angular for UI, jQuery for DOM and Ajax, React for DOM and data transfer), the popularity is still interesting
Here you can see a clear trend: WordPress is by far the biggest provider and outshines all the rest with more than 60% market share.
Today building up a webshop is easier than ever because of the link between CMS and online store extensions.